Friday, April 25, 2014

Workload automation concept

                                 Workload Automation Concept

  • The concept of Workload Automation is an evolution of traditional job schedulers which needed to react to the dynamic demands of IT. Workload automation needs to be able to coordinate—in real-time—a varied set of workload types with complex dependencies across a broad spectrum of operating systems and application platforms.
  • A scheduling model based only upon calendar events is not sufficient to meet the demands of today’s automated data centers. The requirement for batch submission of workloads driven by date/time dependencies still exists, but on-demand IT processing requirements have expanded job submission triggers far beyond the time dimension.
  • Workload Automation solutions should provide: a service-oriented architecture (SOA); integration capabilities at the application services level for web services and Java EE-based applications; a service-level orientation for managing workloads and finally, a critical path analysis and reporting capabilities.
  • Batch workloads already account for 70 percent of all business processing performed by IT, and most organizations see this number increasing. As complexity in the modern data center continues to increase, organizations require their workload automation solution to provide a full range of flexible options to manage existing enterprise workload, plan for future changes, and support new trends, such as Service Oriented Architecture, virtualization, and cloud computing.

 Traditional Scheduling Vs Job Scheduling
  • Job scheduler is a software application that is in charge of unattended background executions, commonly known for historical reasons as batch processing.
  • Synonyms are batch system, Distributed Resource Management System (DRMS), and Distributed Resource Manager (DRM).
  • Today's job schedulers typically provide a graphical user interface and a single point of control for definition and monitoring of background executions in a distributed network of computers. 
  • Increasingly job schedulers are required to orchestrate the integration of real-time business activities with traditional background IT processing, across different operating system platforms and business application environments.
  • Most operating systems (such as Unix and Windows) provide basic job scheduling capabilities, for example: cron. Web hosting services provide job scheduling capabilities through a control panel or a webcron solution.
  • Organizations needing to automate highly complex related and un-related IT workload may also leverage more-advanced features from a job scheduler, such as:
   Øreal-time scheduling based on external, un-predictable events
Øautomatic restart and recovery in event of failures
Øalerting and notification to operations personnel
Øgeneration of incident reports
Øaudit trails for regulatory compliance purposes

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