Sunday, May 11, 2014

BMC Control-m Architecture High level Diagram.....

Control-M Architecture and Components
Control-M is well known for its three-tier architecture. By utilizing networking
technology, Control-M components among the three tiers can communicate with
each other freely, therefore work together to provide cross platform job submission
and tracking, and at the same time allow batch workload to be monitored and
managed from a centralized location.
Control-M/Enterprise Manager sits at the top layer. It provides the backend of
graphical user interface and administration facilities. The middle tier—Control-M/
Server is the schedule engine that performs the actual job submission and tracking.
And the bottom tier is Control-M/Agent that runs on different machines to handle
job submission requests from Control-M/Server. Control Modules and Agentless
hosts are also part of the bottom layer, but just under Control-M/Agent. This
is because Control Modules are only to be installed as add-on components of
Control-M/Agents and Agentless hosts are managed by Control-M/Server through
selected Control-M/Agent(s).
The combination of the three tiers is considered as a complete Control-M
environment. Each environment can have exactly one Control-M/Enterprise
Manager connecting with one or many Control-M/Servers, and each of the
Control-M/Server can connect with hundards or thousands of Control-M/Agents
as well as optionally some CMs attached or Agentless remote hosts.

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